Memetic Writing
Thoughtware Press is an association of authors writing together in the context of Radical Responsibility, Radical Reliance, Radical Simplicity, and Radical Relating. We offer you transformational handbooks, novels, articles, and film scripts as bridges to next culture: Archiarchy, the culture naturally emerging around the world now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.
These works empower you to build out and empower your Nonmaterial Value as an Authentically Initiated Free And Natural Adult.
The sudden impact of reading Thoughtware Press publications comes from 'Memetic Writing', that is, a specific style of writing that upgrades your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) by landing powerful new distinctions in your Being.
WARNING: You will not work with these books - these books work with you. Our books are filled with memetic viruses - ideas that swarm through every level of your thinking to replace any ideas that are formulated with less Clarity than they are.
In other words: BE CAREFUL. Your mind will not digest these books. These books digest your mind.
If you do not want your current ideas seriously upgraded, please DO NOT read our books.
Happy Readers!
Cavitation is printed!
Patricia Anzini and Alexandra Lopes proudly holding Sentimentos Conscientes, which is Conscious Feelings in Portuguese!
An entire Team of translators worked for two years to bring these thoughtmaps, distinctions, and inner navigation practices to the Portuguese speaking public. Traduzido do Inglês por: Joana Ribeiro, Joana Cruz, Vera Luísa Franco, Juliana Martins, Isadora Galant e Luís Miguel Trindade.
Edição: Luís Miguel Trindade, Danielle Barros e Sónia Gonçalves.
We are inspired by the magnificent Teamwork, and so delighted to be able to offer such a massive treasure chest of new possibilities in a single volume.
The Arrival Of Dobranoc Uczucia (Goodnight Feelings) in Polish !
Finally Polish families now have the chance to wrap up their day together, finding resonance, connection, understanding and completion together through this delightful bedtime-story reading experience. Here, Ewa Wichmann and Karol Sprawka celebrate the treasures.
The Arrival Of Boa Noite Sentimentos (Goodnight Feelings) in Portuguese!
Alexandra and Patricia stand victorious with actual copies of Boa Noite Sentimentos in their hands. It has been a long journey to create this handbook for family connection and healing in Portuguese!
Tristan Girdwood with Four Feelings And What To Do With Them by Valerie Lankford
Nicole Hartley Bradford reports: I got my copy of Four Feelings last week and am deeply touched by Clinton Callahan's tribute to Valerie Lankford and her groundbreaking discovery of this highly consequential thoughtmap. What has been added over many years by Possibilitators and offered to the world through Possibility Management has, for me, made possible a way of life that is beyond what I ever to imagined for myself, AND it also makes possible what I DID imagine: becoming a person who can and does sow and nurture resilient seeds of Gaian EcoVillages. To think that Four Feelings And What To Do With Them is now available for anyone to read fills me with joy. Thank you with my whole and full (and growing) heart.
Love, Nicole
White Witch of Tenerife by Clinton Callahan
How are Witches made? One might think that Witches are made by other Witches, like it is with Wizards. But not so! Where Witches have to go, you can only go there yourself. Here are accounts of one woman's lifelong journey of practically applying what she discovers first-hand beyond ordinary understanding. Elsemarijke Koster is proof that there is so much more to discover than most people realize!
Sabine Lange Possibility Coach writes:
White Witch of Tenerife brings me into contact with parts of myself that I didn't know about. The words of Elsemarijke Koster reach my heart and my being directly through their simplicity and power. The story of her life and her work gives me a strong energetic impression of what we as human beings are capable of - what consciousness, love, clarity, transformation, and healing can do in action. Everyone should read this book. Every woman must read this book!
Thank you for all the work that went into making White Witch of Tenerife available!
Love, Sabine
Susanne Hutzler and Jule Hutzler with No Reason in Ravensburg, Germany (translated into German by Sophia Wegele)
Felix Fulda writes:
Your new book 'No Reason' is a jewel of empowerment, to remind me on my own steps of initiation towards being 'Evolution of Consciousness' that I took and still take in life. I translate every single word I don't know so as not to miss a single Radiance - to get the full impact!! Every experience you describe is as if I were in it with you, catching the moment. Your book is a direct wire to E.C.C.O. and the Universe itself. It is Brilliant! It is Awesome!
Thank You for Your Magic !!!
Hug, Love, Felix
Sophia-Magdalena Hoffman writes:
I am in the middle of reading 'No Reason'. I am sobbing. I have not read something so accurate, regarding spacholding for children (for example) than your words.
Thank you for choosing to be walking the Path of becoming a Man. Thank you for delivering full-on Clarity and using your life to bring Distinctions into the world. Thank you for not giving your life to Gremlin. Thank you for bringing your Nonmaterial Value to the so many people. Thank you for giving me (and the world) an immense amount of value to grow and become Adult.
Love, sophiamagdalena
Ohne Grund is No Reason translated into German! by Sophia Wegele.
A young fan at Puls der Erde
Lenzwald, Germany
Lisa Ommert's Possibility Team in Germany, with their new Abenteuer Denken books
Dear Clinton,
Lots of Greetings from the Possibility Team Karlstadt.
They burst into joy, having 'Abenteuer Denken' in their hands.
Thank you so much!
Originator of Permaculture David Holmgren with Radiant Joy Brilliant Love (Building Love That Lasts) and Dan Palmer.
Goodnight Feelings arrived in London !
Sareeta Pattni writes:
Dear Thoughtware Press,
For the last few months I have been reading Clinton’s book ‘Goodnight Feelings’ with my kids. They choose this book almost every night, but make extra requests to read it when there something specific they want to share. Reading this book has created a deeper connection between us as a family, including my husband who is not so open to feelings. My kids have started sharing their feelings with each other during disagreements and are now resolving situations without always needing my help. I feel so glad to see them empowered in this way.
Sincerely, Sareeta
4 Feelings Cucumbers At School
Dear Clinton,
My daughter made this at nature school today, which sparked curiosity from her teachers there. My daughter told them about the 4 Feelings and how she feels them all day long! One teacher started to self-reflect and identified her own fear of coming back to work!
Thank you for writing 'Goodnight Feelings'. It is really working. I feel so happy to see the context of Possibility Management being spread by my kids.
Love, Sareeta
Devin Gleeson writes:
Reading 'No Reason' turned the recent weeks of my life into a rocking romp of liquid states, realness, and Box-confrontation. It stoked up my longing to live more alive, and intensified my pain of the many trivial reasons I use for avoiding life. In terms of opening doors and possibilities, 'No Reason' belongs on a shelf next to 'Autobiography of A Yogi' and 'Of Water and the Spirit'. That's my opinion. I loved it. I felt sad when it ended. It is a great gift. I'm glad that you write, Mr. Clinton Callahan. Very glad.
Love, Devin
Ousmane Pame Aly PhD.
President of Global Ecovillage Network Africa, Senegal with Conscious Feelings
Dear friend Clinton,
Thank you for this brilliant book I am reading now at the central library of Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar. Every page opens new perspectives and expands our inner worlds in a deep, compassionate ways.
Thank you for the pure love and humanness that this book distillates.
Fraternal thoughts from Senegal.
Catarina Joaquim with Building Love That Lasts
A letter from Catarina Joaquim:
I accidentally bought Clinton Callahan's book, Building Love That Lasts. I was looking online for a book to send to my partner because I would not be there for our anniversary. I thought, "This is the book for us, to build love that lasts with him." Then I thought, "If it turns out not to be the right book, at least it will be a beautiful but expensive postcard from me to him." I arrange for my son to give my partner the book on our special day. A week later I came home after my silent retreat to find my partner actually reading the book! He says to me, "Catarina! This book is amazing! I understand so many things now!" Everything has changed for us. We look at each other differently now. He tells me, "I am feeling this and this, but it is not related to you." Our reactivity has stopped! We can speak with each other about difficult topics. We laugh each time we remember how the book found us.
Erika Ann Paulson about reading White Witch Of Tenerife
Dear Clinton.
I am very happy that the book White Witch of Tenerife exists. I'm glad that you had the impulse, courage, discipline and perseverance to talk to Elsemarijke Koster, and to put this treasure on paper together with a team. It is very important and valuable to me.
I cried reading the first fifty pages because I felt so connected and reminded of my own Archetypal Lineage. All four of my feelings have shown themselves alternately more and less.
I will read it a second time, and a third time too. I finally have access to the knowledge, feelings and thoughts of a woman in whom I have rediscovered and recognized many buried sides of myself. She gets to the heart of a lot of things that I think but have not dared to say before.
Elsemarijke inspires me and shakes me like a storm. I understood more about myself while reading, and I learned a lot. Thank you.
Love, Erika Ann Paulson from Hannover
Gabriele Heller with her Radiant Joy Brilliant Love
Gabriele is in the middle of translating the latest version of Radiant Joy Brilliant Love - retitled as Building Love That Lasts - into French!
She sent us this photo to express: "Wouah! This book is mind blowing!"
We could not agree more!
Thank you Gabriele!
A Rare Old Video of Valerie Lankford With Jacqui Schiff
Valerie Lankford is author of Four Feelings And What To Do With Them: the origins of regenerative human culture, now available from Thoughtware Press.
A Hand Written Thank You Letter...
Below is a hand-written letter from Sieglinde Theuerkauf, aged 71, sent from Fürth, Germany 17 May 2013
with her 'feedback' about 'Radiant Joy Brilliant Love' (the original title of 'Building Love That Lasts').
Her letter reads:
Hallo Mr. Clinton Callahan,
I’m living in Germany, my age 71 years and I’m female. Since 3 years I’m working with your wonderful book 'Radiant Joy Brilliant Love' in German language. Again and again I’m surprised about the cognitions about life, which you have found out. So during the last three years I got the wish to give you feedback for this book... MOREPlanting Seeds
Anne-Chloé Destremau, Spaceholder of Thoughtware Press, planting copies of No Reason and White Witch of Tenerife in the waiting room library at the Yoga Barn in Ubud, Bali.
Coming Soon...
Upcoming Thoughtware Press books!
CAVITATION: an Archan novel
This morning I located a traditional printshop in Heraklion, Crete, two hours northwest from our apartment in Neapoli.
I drove our little 50cc motorscooter there on the rough back roads so as not to be run over by speeding trucks.
As I walk in the door, this woman senses my urgency. She drops everything to print and bind the 500 page manuscript.
There it is!
This woman does alchemy in her printshop, changing a wisp of an idea into a physical object!
Now Ann-Chloé, the publishing Wizard, can edit the text, and then lay out the pages for printing so too you can have one.
I am so excited for you to be as inspired as I am from these stories !!!
Love, Clinton
Yes again!
Here in Neapoli, Crete, Anne-Chloé Destremau, chief editor and spaceholder of Thoughtware Press is editing the Cavitation manuscript!
She has already broken her red pen (could be a small bit of rage involved, or hopefully outrage...) so now she uses her purple pen.
Me? I flit raround, shitting in my pants, afraid.
Afraid of what?
Afraid that I will need to add in bumbling mistakes, breakdowns, and liquid states as the characters struggle to figure out how things can work better.
Afraid that many of the characters are strong capable space-navigating researcher women on their journey. How can I - as a man - possibly speak their voices? What qualifies me to dare trying this?
Deep questions gurgle in the Swamps.
Some positive feedback arrives via responses from several people reviewing the manuscript for providing a written recommendation...
UPDATE: It is now 27 July 2024. Anne-Chloé has already edited 100 pages. 400 more to go...
I hate waiting!
Yeah, well... so what? It's waiting time.
See... the Author and the Editor are still friends... even if the Editor is making many corrections and suggestions...
Jim Rough, author of Society's Breakthrough and founder of The ToBe Project prints out a copy of Cavitation to write a book recommendation... but ends up underlining more than he thought.
We are digging through layer after layer of error correction. The errors that Word finds and that Google Docs finds are complementary. Which means, if you put a document through both editors, you find twice as many errors as if you only put the document through one of them. Cavitation has a quarter of a million words... leaving room for a huge number of potential errors. If the reader or writer is caught up in the story, the mind tends to ignore the little errors. And these are the kinds of stories that catch you up!
We are in Warsaw. The manuscript is edited and thrice error checked. Anne-Chloé created a stunningly beautiful cover. Preliminary readers have shared their book recommendations. As I write these words, Anne-Chloé sits across from me laying out the book for printing!
We plan to print some copies to make Cavitation available for Possibility Lab participants in Poland.
Then by 10 September 2024, Cavitation should be available on amazon.com/stores/Clinton-Callahan/author/B001JP7OPY, and soon after that, at bookshop.org/shop/possibilitymanagement.
Perhaps we can get some copies printed in New Zealand to avoid shipping costs.
In this case, they would be available through Tristan Girdwood, the new New Zealand branch of ThoughtwarePress!Anne-Chloé just said, "It's in!" Meaning, the Cavitation text file is loaded into her book layout program!
By 1 September 2024, they should be available on amazon.com/stores/Clinton-Callahan/author/B001JP7OPY, and soon after that, at bookshop.org/shop/possibilitymanagement.
Here is Tristan Girdwood greeting us Archan style from New Zealand with some freshly printed Thoughtware Press books, establishing Thoughtware Press New Zealand!
28 July 2024
Cavitation is in a genre of its own. It’s part highly-entertaining fictional drama, part visionary work of art, part erudite philosophical teaching tool, and part 'how to' instruction manual in the skills of emotional healing that is central to creating purposeful, adult community. I am wondering if it could be part something else, too, something harder to name... a causal energetic action, a spark of fire helping to ignite global transformation?
The most exciting part for me while reading Cavitation was at some point being overtaken by the surprising experience that I am not only reading a story about transformation, but actually experiencing transformation happening in me! I began feeling strange, effervescent sensations throughout my body. The sensation corresponded to the thought or the recognition - it had the feeling of reality - that a pleasant, energizing flow was somehow coursing directly from the book through the cells of my body, drawing me into its thrilling evolutionary current. How could this be happening?
The novel traces a dozen different storylines unfolding inparallel, and taking place in disparate places around the planet. Some of these include a decimated tribal village in Africa, a bombed-out urban neighborhood in the war-torn Middle east, CIA bunkers deep underground, a basement in Eugene, Oregon, even a magical gathering of Hollywood celebrities. As readers, we enter into and follow each storyline. We get to know characters living in widely different circumstances, fleshed out in compelling detail. Little-by-little, something analogous starts to happen in each different story. A new awareness begins dawning everywhere, new skills, new commitments, new ways of interacting emerge simultaneously. Gradually, these stories start to converge. It’s as if all of it is inspired and coordinated by a larger, evolutionary, planetary force.
It seems to me that Clinton Callahan writes all of this with clarity, such conviction and commitment, with so much playfulness and creativity, rage, sadness, love and desire, that what he writes simply begins to acquire the force of reality.
- Marc Tognotti
Founder of infinitypointcdfi.orgRancho Campo: the first Bridgehouse
experiments in synergetic education and temporary community
by Clinton Callahan (1975)
with Forward and Afterword by Clinton Callahan (2025)
This book is self-explanatory. That was its original intention. The thing to remark about that particular intention is: the need for SCOLA (Self Contained Onland Learning Apparatus) has persisted. Due to the (nearly) unforseen collapse of modern culture’s legitimacy and infrastructure caused by global warming, peak everything, and Gremlin takeover of local, state, national, and international hierarchies, the immediate need for SCOLA has dramatically increased.Four recent developments contribute hugely to the workability of creating your own SCOLA.
1. The thrilling global emergence of the Bridgehouse gameworld in 2021.
2. The global emergence of Archiarchy Invention Centers in 2024.
3. The clarity about the necessity to attain Radical Freedom, and to Hit Bottom (and stay there...), as preparations for Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes.
4. The construction of StartOver.xyz, the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building awareness-expanding thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation true-life adventure-game, offering nearly seven-hundred interlinked resource websites. Trying to exit modern culture without upgrading your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) is like trying to swim the English Channel wearing your three piece suit, your tie, and your full-grain leather polished black oxford shoes with you pockets full of gold coins. In other words, you sink like an overvalued stock option.
Collaborating Authors
We glance over their shoulders... while the Muse speaks to their fingers...
Clinton Callahan
Personal Website:
Articles on Medium:
Present Focus:
Cavitation: the emergence of Archiarchy
Fear Craft, with Anne-Chloé Destremau
Gremlin, with Devin Gleeson
robert wolff
Personal Website:
We are working on releasing robert wolff's 2014 manuscript titled: Earth Renews, and human kind...
robert preferred his name to be spelled without capital letters. He died in 2016 on Big Island, Hawaii.
Valerie Lankford
Personal Website:
Valerie is retired.
Valerie Lankford's booklet is now published! Four Feelings And What To Do With Them: the origins of regenerative human culture, including several of Valerie's articles and an eye-opening Forward and Afterward by Clinton Callahan.
Anne-Chloé Destremau
Personal Website:
Articles on Medium:
Present Focus:
Women of Earth - Women sourcing Archiarchy
Trainer Path specialty of Possibilitator Training.
Collaborating Translators
Their work performs alchemical transformation, making something amazing visible and useable in new domains...
Marion Lutz
Güte Nacht Gefühle
Kraft des bewussten Fühlens
Wahre Liebe im Alltag
Amanda Morales
Rosa Belia Ochoa
Sentimientos Conscientes
Grzegorz Grabiec
Grzegorz is publishing Conscious Feelings in Polish through Wydawnictwo Manandra Publishers as
Świadome uczucia
Wanda Kuch
Świadome uczucia
Sónia Maia Gonçalves
White Witch of Tenerife
Conscious Feelings
Archiarchy News: one day at a bookshop
This is a short video in German with English subtitles from the PM Advent Calendar 9 December 2010.
For the full Adventskalenders in German, pleaese visit pmadventskalender.mystrikingly.com
How To Read Transformational Books
This is a short video in German with English subtitles from the PM Advent Calendar 16 December 2010.
For the full Adventskalenders in German, pleaese visit pmadventskalender.mystrikingly.com